Ford Repair: Struts on a 1987 Ford Taurus Suspension, macpherson struts, gas strut
QuestionDo struts come ready to be installed on the Front end? I mean with the spring attatched to the gas strut.
If not! I will have to rent a spring compressor just for this job.
I know what is involved to replace the struts.
2nd Question? Can off market struts, other than Macpherson Struts do as good as the Macpherson Struts. Cushion the front end against bumps and pot holes.
AnswerHi Robert,
New struts do not come with springs. They take special tools and a compressor. The best thing to do is buy your own struts (any kind will do)and take them to your mechanic and have him install the old springs on your new struts.It's not safe to do it yourself!Macpherson is a style not a brand name. All struts are Macpherson(he invented them)Any brand name is good. Look for a good sale like at SEARS.They have lifetime warrantee!