Honda Repair: 92 Honda Accord

QUESTION: I have a Haynes book for the car, but it doesn't give me the precise location of the crankshaft and I have looked at this motor and I just have no clue.

ANSWER: The crankshaft is inside the engine. It is what all the pistons are connected to. There is no way to see it, except of the very end of it if you remove the main pulley. This pulley is the one on the bottom of the engine in the center.

I'm not sure what this question refers to so I can't really help any more than that. I hope this helps.

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QUESTION: I had to replace the distributor, well my son did it to help me out.I was at work when he came over to do it abd I left him a note telling him to read the book before he started. He did but he didn't make sure the #1 piston was at TDC. So he put everything back on and no the car won't start.

ANSWER: OK. This helps. The good news is that it should not have done any damage to anything. The bad news is that you will need to remove the crankshaft and install it correctly. Printed manuals are fine, but it might help to watch some videos too.

Here is one that looked good:

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QUESTION: Ok, but I didn't pull the crankshaft out only the distributor, the coolant temperature sensor and a new starter. So why would I have to remove the crankshaft.

You don't. I don't know what manual you are using or what it says, but the distributor comes out without the crankshaft coming out. I don't know of any vehicles new or old that you need to pull the crankshaft out to get the distributor out.

BTW, pulling the crankshaft out would be about a 20 hour job.

I recommend either following the video or getting a different repair manual.