Honda Repair: 1994 Accord wont start, battery cables, starter problem

I have a 1994 Honda Accord that will not start.  All the accessories work as there seems to be plenty of power from the battery to run these.  When I turn the ignition, I hear some sort of electirical noise, but the starter doesn;t seem to engage since I hear no clicking or the engine trying to turn over.  Worked fine when I went to work, when I went to leave, it would not start.

This sounds like it is likely a starter problem but I would start with checking the battery. You need to have a "load test" done on it. Then you need to clean and tighten the battery cables. If you do all of this and the problem doesn't go away I would start looking into the starter.

Many times battery problems are disguised as other problems. Even though it seems like the battery is fine, that doesn't mean that it is.