Honda Repair: 1992 Honda Accord stalling intermittently, fuel pressure gauge, spark tester
QuestionI saw this question asked previously on here and the answer was to check the codes on the check engine light. My 1992 Accord randomly stalls when I step on the gas from a parked to slow motion. This has happened sporadically (anywhere from 2 days to over a week in between). When it happens it does not last all day. The weather can vary as well. I have watched it when it does this and the check engine light never comes on at all. Any ideas? someone thought a corroded distributor cap, possible?
AnswerThere are many things that can cause this. You need to get a fuel pressure gauge and an inline spark tester and hook them both up so you can see them while you are driving. Then just drive like normal and wait for the problem to happen. When it does, then you need to look and see if you are losing fuel pressure or spark. This is one of the first tests I would do.
You can change lots of parts that MIGHT be the problem, but if you want to save yourself some money you should try to diagnose the problem first, then you are only changing what is bad.
If you don't want to spend the time you could take it to a good shop. It would likely not cost too much for them to figure this one out.