Honda Repair: Front wheel noise, wheel bearing, wheel bearings
QuestionIhave a 93 Honda civic that has a loud constant noise in the front wheels, not unlike what a wheel bearing might sound like(I think). I was thinking it may be the CV joint but it is so constant I wondered if there are wheel bearings up there? The faster I go the louder it is. No other signs of problems there, not when I turn or start off. I am in Lima Peru and it is really helpful to have an idea what is wrong before I leave it with a questionable mechanic here. Thank you very much!
Robert Stith
AnswerIt is likely that you have a wheel bearing problem. One good way to test this is to drive on a curvy road at a good (safe) speed. Pay close attention when you turn corners to see if the noise changes. Most of the time a wheel bearing will get louder when you turn to the side that has the bad bearing.