Honda Repair: cooling system, honda civic lx, 2000 honda civic lx
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2000 honda civic LX and I've noticed when I drive I can smell a hint of antifreeze and when I get to a drive thru window and stop I can see the steam comming up through my hood and when I get out the car after it has been running for a while I can smell anti freeze really bad. So I popped the hood and I could see little dry white drops left all over the front of the motor all around the reservor. I've checked the floor on the passenger side and it was dry but when I put the heat on the windsheild it fogs. Please can u tell me what's going on with my car?????
ANSWER: It sounds like you have at least one problem with your cooling system. You might have several things that are going wrong. Typically when you have a foggy windshield it means that your heater core is going bad, and when you have steam under the hood it means that there is either a leak or your car is overheating.
You need to have a pressure test done on your cooling system. You can do this yourself if you buy the pressure test kit or any good repair shop will be able to do it for you as well.
This test will help to determine where the leak is.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It is not fogging the windsheild sorry for that, and I'm losing alot anti-freeze. Does this little info help narrow the choices?
AnswerYou original question said that your windshield was fogging...if it is not fogging then you probably don't have a heater core problem.
If you are losing a lot of coolant then the problem should be fairly obvious. If you check under the hood when the car is hot (but not overheating) you should be able to see where it is leaking from. If not then I would go ahead and have the pressure test done.