Honda Repair: Honda Accord electrical question, exact code, electrical question

I have a 2004 honda accord and I think I'm having an electrical problem. For the past 6 months or so, the radio would randomly just turn off every once in a while. Then, a couple days ago the check engine light came on and I took it in to Autozone. I don't remember the exact code, but it said something like "keep alive error". Autozone's printout said it was a possible bad ecm or short circuit.  Then yesterday while I was driving the radio and basically all of the electronics started flickering on and off. The spedomter would swing wildly, the a/c would blow hard for a minute and the blow softer. Now this morning the car won't even start. All the light just flicker when I turn the key. Any ideas??? Thanks for your help. (Also, I took it in to the dealer a few months ago because one turn signal wasn't working. They fixed that problem but I'm not sure if it's related.)

This type of problem sounds like a battery problem or some type of bad connection in the electrical system.
The first thing that you need to do is make sure your battery cable connections are clean and tight. After you do this you need to test your battery and alternator. Most parts stores and many repair shops will do this for free.
I think you will find your problem in either the battery cable connections or the battery or alternator.
I hope this helps.