Honda Repair: timing belt replacement @ water pump, timing belt replacement, honda pilot

The vehicle is a 2004 Honda Pilot. Should I have the water pump replaced when the timing belt is replaced? On a 92 Prelude we were told you should replace both because if the water pump started to leak after replacing only the belt the coolant would leak onto the belt and start to make it fail. Could that happen on a 2004 Pilot? Also are the other belts for alternator, a/c, etc going to have to be removed to get at the timing belt?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Ron, yes. Here is a link to a kit i found -

And everything needs to be removed from the front of the engine in order for you to gain access. Experience level for this procedure is - expert. Not an easy task and is time consuming. Many adjustments need to be made after the routine repair.