Honda Repair: Accord 98 V6 - Shudder when shifting from low to med gear, torque convertor, lube shops

on my 98 Accord V6, I've had a mild hard shift from low gear to med (likely from 2nd to 3rd). Over the past 2 years, it has gotten progressively worse and turned into a shudder. It does not manifest itself at cruising speeds.

I wonder if it is a result of
-- my being negligent and not having replaced ATF ever despite 12year of owning the car. I have 65K miles on it. In which case, would doing a flush of the ATF solve the problem
-- the Torque convertor having a problem or requiring a fluid flush

I don't intent to keep the car for more than 1- 2 years and perhaps trade it in in 1 year. What is the optimal solution so I dont spend a ton to fix this problem but still keep it workable or in trade-in condition.

Appreciate your insights!


Tom, 65K on the car is not bad milage and depending upon your driving habits/abuse this can be a negative result. Fortunately not flushing the transmission fluid is what i think is the result of the low end shutter. If you want to keep the car operating properly for the next 2 years and when trading the vehicle in or selling private party the flush is the way to go.

Take this to the dealer too. They will use OEM Honda ATF and you should only use this fluid when performing such services. Jiffy lube and other local lube shops use a generic fluid which can contain detergents and/or other impurities that could quite possibly damage your torque converter, transmission, seals, etc. The dealer cost on this service is also comparable too lube shops and will also know that you will have a factory trained ASE certified tech. performing the service.