Honda Repair: 98 Acura Integta 1.8 DOHC, obd 2 code scanner, crankshaft pulley
QuestionQUESTION: I just did a cylinder head job on a 98 acura integra 1.8dohc.and now it will not timing mark are right,vavles adjusted.geting spark,fuel.but no there anything Im for getting to do?The motor just keeps cranking.the reason I replace the cylinder head because the timing belt broke off.and four vavles were bent.But the machince shop replace them.anything would help.Thanks
ANSWER: Johnny, you removed the head so you had to disconnect all of the upper wiring harness. Check to see that no plugs are unplugged or not completely connected. (-) grounds will do this too check those as well. No compression? How did you check this? You have a compression test tool? If no compression then it has to be at the head gasket and head bolts. The head gasket should have been replaced with a new one. There is a proper torque sequence for the head bolts and must be done correctly in order to provide a 100% seal. Distributor installed correctly and plugged in? Re check the timing and make sure you are dead on with the bottom end timing mark and head timing marks. You know which mark to use on the crankshaft pulley right? Because there are 2 of them. Borrow an OBD-2 code scanner and run the codes to see what you are throwing. This will pinpoint what issue is having the problem. Let me know if this helps.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Which mark do I use on the crank????
AnswerUsually there is a color associated with the marks. One red and one white? Probably going to be dirty and spray some brake cleaner on the pullley itself. Whichever the white mark (R) is going to be TDC. The red mark (L) will be your timing mark. About 5 to 6 degrees from TDC. The distributor needs to be loosened and this is how you adjust this once the engine is running and you have a timing gun.