Honda Repair: 1992 honda prelude transmission, honda prelude, 1992 honda prelude

I can not find the dip stick for the transmission fluid to save my life. My car is acting very wired, as if it is having a hard to shifting. To me that is a sign it needs fluid. The oil is fine got that changed, but as always if you go to a quicky lube place they won't help with question life this. So could you please tell me how and were I can find the dip stick for the tranny in order for me to add some.

Thank you,

JoAnna, considering you did not tell me that your Prelude is a manual transmission or an automatic transmission. Automatic transmission you should be able to see the dipstick. Manual transmission does not have one at all. This why you cannot find it. In fact they call it a fill plug and it is a 3/8" drive ratchet end. Drain plug is the same and it is located closer to the bottom of the transmission. This is very difficult to do by the way. The reason the shop could not do this for you is because they lack the knowledge and tools required to do this simple fluid change.

This link will help you and is very resourceful information. Honda charges like $50 to do this and they use OEM Honda fluid for your transmission.