QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2005 CRV, purchased new July 05. REplaced first headlights Jan and Feb 07. They go out a week apart. I have replaced yearly ever since. now down to 6mths. Now they tell me the wiring harness is burnt, 718.00 to replace one side.
The dash lights have burnt out, all on the lt side, the door locks no longer work, trunk went first, then passenger and driver side back. bing bang boom.
The tailgait door has had issues since I got it. The light comes on as if the door is open, it isn't.
Honda dealer says they have never heard of any other complaints of this nature. Looking online there seems to be a huge problem with headlights on this vehicle. I love it otherwise.
Are you aware of electrical problems? Any recourse?
This could be the beginning of a lot of $$$$$
ANSWER: Jan, yes i am aware of a major electrical issue involving the headlights/daytime headlights. This problem seemed to only affect the second generation models too. 2002 - 2006. I have answered many of these odd questions and encountered many different scenarios. About 40% of the time it came down to a bad relay. Other people had the actual switch replaced. And about 10% of the people had there wiring harnesses replaced.
Whichever the secnario for your situation it is difficult find the source of the problem. If i had to pinpoint where you should start - I would suggest by replacing all of the relays in your vehicle. Usually located in the fuse boxes or near them. I would start cheap. Relays cost anywhere from $3 -$10 and are easily replaceable. Why do i think this? I believe you have a moisture issue and have heard of this same issue from another questioner.
Honda dealer might not have any complaints at that dealership specifically but, there are alot of people asking me questions about bulb replacement. And at the frequency of about 1 - 2 times a month for the last 2 years on here. Definitely do some research and try not to let them purchase $718 wiring harnesses for you. When your problem could come down too a $3 relay or $32 switch.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Since the harness is burnt/fried at the point that the bulb is inserted in, is there any way to replace just that part, without going all the way back to the engine block?
Do you know of any after market parts. I checked with Advanced Auto Parts, and was told this was a "honda" part and had to come from honda.
Another problem is the Lt side of the dash lights have been out since about 50k. Any relation do you think?
AnswerSince you are having so many electrical problems from all over the vehicle this makes me think that this issue is not confined to just 1 particular area. Which is very hard for me to suggest what and how to go about fixing and repairing.
You can go about just cutting the plug and soldering a new plug in place. But, this might not solve the problem. And you may just end up burning the newer one up. A honda recycler would be your best bet because i think it would be very doubtful to see a 2002 - 2006 CR-V in a junk yard. I really think you should replace and inspect the relay for the headlight wiring. Look specifically for corrosion from moisture on the connections and use a quality di-electric grease on all connections.