Honda Repair: 96 accord auto ex, fuel guage, correct measurement

Hi, i hav a 96 accord auto ex with abt 113,000m. It;s been running smoothly bt these past days i noticed high fuel consumption. So i changed the spark plugs, serviced my injectors, changed the fuel filter and even air filter bt still nt satisfied. Though it has reduced abit. Thats d first qtn. Secondly, my fuel guage on the dash moves a bit while i drive my car. It moves when i brake and accelerate mostly and this is quite unusual to me. Please i would love to hear 4rm u.

Johnson, tune-up = spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor cap and rotor, fuel filter, air filter, and adjust the timing and idle.

The cap and rotor are essential and should be replaced. Did you gap the spark plugs appropriately and to the correct measurement?

113K = fuel pump is going to be failing you soon. The fuel level moving around on the gauge is an indicator of the fuel pump float starting to fade. These fuel pumps are very common for failing between the 90K and 120K service.

If you want to solve your problem replace the fuel pump soon. This can also save you money and time in the future due too a tow and repair bill.