QuestionI have a 92 Civic HB DX, automatic with around 260,000 miles. Standard 1.5L non-vtec engine. I don't even know where to start...I am having issues with CEL and I don't know why it is on. The CEL has been checked out by 4 mechanics and none of them can figure out why it is on. The CEL used to stay on all the time and was throwing a code 9, which supposedly has something to do with some positioning sensor. Anywho, all the mechanics basically said the car shouldn't be running with the code it was throwing. I have gone through 3 distributors, 3 sets of plug wires, etc. I just replaced the ECM and CEL is coming on again, but only after I have driven for about 15 miles. I will tell you that I believe it needs a fuel pump relay, and the IACV needs to be replaced, but they said that shouldn't trigger CEL or that specific code. Any ideas as to what could be going on? Thanks so much.
AnswerRobin, CEL's are telling you that the engine is having some kind of issue somewhere. Whichever the CEL is just there to guide the mechanic in the general direction for repair. Honda Acura tech is who you should be seeking out for your repairs. These people know these specific make and models exceptionally. This is a very easy fix to repair but, if it is not installed correctly will cause future problems.
If these mechanics are trying to read the CEL and it doesn't do anything or is solid or throws a single flash you need to access another ECU for a proper diagnosis. 90% of the time when the ECU throws this code then the ECU is bad and needs to be replaced with a new or used unit.
Here is a link so you can check the codes yourself.
Very detailed information for you and this is way easy to diagnose yourself and at the same time save you a few dollars.