Honda Repair: Honda Accord, honda accord, sparkplug
QuestionHow can I check to see why my '93 Honda Accord doesnt get spark? It just cranks and I have already checked the distributor, the module, the cables, and the spark plugs.
AnswerBilly, ummm... kinda difficult to answer your question. Do you not have spark at plug? Or distributor? Or module? Whichever if you do not have spark at the end of the plug wire (when removed from the sparkplug itself and arcing appropraitely to a (-) source,) you can rule out wires. Then check all 4 wires. You can rule out distributor cap. Would have to be module or distributor itself. Purchase new/used distributor or borrow a friends for diagnosis purposes. If this doesn't solve the problem you have an unplugged plug from the harness or wiring connection issue. After that your ECU could be bad. Other than all that your car still does not have spark check your aftermarket alarm. After even that you are screwed and your car is possessed.