Honda Repair: 02 honda accord, head bolts, honda parts
QuestionQUESTION: My 02 accord has oil in the antifreeze, but no a/f in the oil. The mechanic has taken the head off and had it machined and put it back w/new head bolts and honda parts. He has also changed the pcv? valve behind the firewall. After all was done it was leaking oil into the a/f w/in hours. It has been magnafluxed and pressure tested. If the blocked was cracked there should be a/f in the oil. The mechanic has said he hsant heard of anyone cracking a block on a honda. Any suggestions/theories would be welcome. Thanks
ANSWER: Patrick, very odd. I have heard the same as A/F in the oil but not the opposite. Oil comes into contact with the A/F no where besides the head and block. Is it oil? Are you sure 100%? Or is it Transmission Fluid? (Assuming your car is an A/T.) If it is diagnosed later and come to find out it is Transmission fluid I would suspect the radiator. Let me know if this the fix for you. Otherwise get back to me in a follow-up while i do some more research on oil in the A/F.
I think this is Transmission Fluid. Easily mistaken as oil when it mixes with the A/F. Have your mechanic inspect the lower part of the radiator to see if these cars are still using inlet/outlet lines to the radiator for cooling the A/T!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks so much for the quick response. I will raise this response w/him tomorrow. I believe he has already thought of that scenario and ruled it out. The dipstick is reading full but then loses a quart into the coolant. This is the 2nd mechanic I have taken this too. The first one seemed to do a thorough job but never had the head planed. The car than leaked oil into the coolant w/in 2-3 weeks. This second mechanic sent the head out and it was leaking oil into the coolant w/in hours. thanks again for your quick response and will be sure to update you w/anything else we find. Patrick
AnswerThen i am glad your mechanic was on top of the radiator issue. Hopefully that is the fix. Every time the head comes off the motor it should be milled .005 minimum. New head gasket, etc. With the oil enetering the cooling chambers of the engine deciphering how it is getting in there is a difficult and painstaking problem. If i had to guess i personally think there is a slight crack. Either in the head or the block. But, with the mechanic not milling the head and replacing the gasket he has not helped the problem. I would try using a oil additive dye and a UV or black light. This could help isolate the areas saturated at first?? Let me know...