Honda Repair: 2001 Odyssey, transmission temperatures, torque converter
QuestionKnow anything about this vehicle, 2001 Odyssey with 128k miles? CEL on and occassionally TCS on too. P0740 code indicates torgue converter circuit malfunction. Can feel the tranny slip intermittently when shift 1st to 2nd gear. It's not consistent but starting to happen more often. Most of the time it drives fine. Could there be a simple fix here or is it time to change transmission, as dealer is telling me? This started after a P0420 code that led to replacing the cat converter. Is it possible the two issues are related or just coincidence?
Thanks for any insight.
AnswerRon, since the cat was failing this can lead to the cat overloading or overheating. Since the hot air was not flowing efficently throughout the exhaust system and backing up at the cat which is near the transmission. Heat destroys transmissions and transmission fluid is there to dissipate that. Running low on trans fluid could lead to problems too. Not sure but if i had to guess i would say the Torque Converter is failing vs. Transmission. Whichever you are kinda in a pinch because the labor to replace the torque converter is the same as to replace the transmission. Replacing the transmission you always replace the torque converter. So you are kinda in a no-win situation.
My opinion -
Are you in love with the car? No. Then flush the transmission fluid and replace with Honda ATF. Reduce driving. Sell the car.
Are you in love with the car? Yes. Then pay for the transmission and torque converter to be replaced. Flush the system and only use Honda ATF. You also might consider purchasing a transmission fluid condensor/radiator that is relocated for better flow and cooler transmission temperatures.
Remember your engine/transmission is the same as a Honda Accord.