Honda Repair: How do I replace the speed sensor on a 1990 Honda Accord?, air intake hose, vehicle speed sensor
QuestionQUESTION: I wanted to know if I can replace the speed sensor on a 1990 Honda Accord without removing the air intake hose (or tube, etc.) and without draining the coolant from radiator?
I read from another website that I would have to remove the intake hose and drain the coolant and remove the lower radiator hose from the engine.
Thanks for your help!
ANSWER: Ralph, the speed sensor is located on top of the transmission towards the lower part of the firewall. Should be (1) 10mm bolt holding it in place. Remove the air intake hose to gain better access. Might be a couple of small hoses going to the speed sensor but, you can plug these so they dont leak. Depending if your Accord is an A/T or M/T these hoses may or may not be there. The only reason you would need to remove the radiator hose(s) would be too replace the radiator not the speed sensor. This area will be very crowded and allow you alot of space to work freely. So, be patient and take your time.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have noticed that everywhere I read there is 2 10mm bolts for the vehicle speed sensor, not 1 bolt as you said (The part shows 2 bolts online). I wanted to say that I have a manual so will there be hoses going to the speed sensor? Thanks for the help.
AnswerLike i was saying there might be (2) - couple of 10mm bolts. Most commonly just (1) but its been a while since i have been under the hood of an Accord. Whichever you will see them. The hoses, if any, will be a lubricating fluid for the gear in there. Disconnect the hose(s) and plug each with your 10mm bolts that you remove from the speed sensor. That way no leaks. This is not a difficult repair and you should be able to see everything to understand how installation and removal work.