Honda Repair: fuel preasure, kia sephia, kia saphia
Questioni own a 1999 kia saphia and i seem to have a problem with preasure in the fuel line its pumping 50lbs of preasure into the injectors and my car dies only in drive and reverse when im at a idle(for instance when im at a stop sign) is there adjustment i can make or a part i need?
AnswerCharles, i am not a Kia Sephia specialist just Honda. Whichever though it sounds to me if you are not getting the right pressure to your fuel rail then your fuel pump would be my first concern. And if you decide to have the fuel pump replaced replace the fuel filter(s)as well. Have the idle checked as well. If this is out of adjustment this can cause the same issue you are having too. Evaluate and diagnose any check engine codes or previous stored check engine codes as well.