Honda Repair: 1995 honda accord speedometer, phillips head screws, honda acura
I have a 1995 Honda Accord DX, 4-door, at 100k miles. About 4 months ago, the speedometer started acting goofy - it doesn't register my speed. The needle shows 19 mph whether I'm driving 50 mph or stopped at a stop sign. The needle can shoot up and down while I'm driving continuously, showing an interruption in signal. The odometer is similarly affected at the same time. The tachometer, however, is independent, and works fine all along. I have replaced the speed sensor. Should I replace the speedometer it's self or what?
ANSWER: Ricky, replace the entire gauge/instrument cluster. This is a one piece unit. Try to get a unit from a Honda/Acura recycler so that it comes with a warranty. Other sources to purchase a unit would be Ebay or various other online sources. Any cluster from 1994 to 1997 Honda Accord's will work. Is your car an automatic transmission? There is a difference between the gauge/instrument clusters on A/T - M/T.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have a automatic trany. If this does not work, whats next? Thank you!
AnswerYour gonna need an A/T cluster from a 1994 to 1995 or from a 1996 to 1997. If i were you stick with the 1994 to 1995. In 1996 Honda switched to the OBD-2 system. Yours is an OBD-1 system = 1994 to 1995. Just want to make sure i am 100% correct about this. Pretty simple - basic to install. All phillips head screws to remove the plastic surrounding and (4) hold the gauge cluster in place. There might be some tricky hidden screws depending on how your plastic trim comes apart. But, take your time and reference the internet for information.