Honda Repair: Honda Accord Dying, quick responce, honda accord ex

QUESTION: I have a 1990 Honda Accord Ex. It seems that the car drives good but then it will die. We took it to auto zone they said that the alternator and battery are fine. It starts up fine but then it randomly dies after a while. The battery light comes on and then only after a couple minutes later will the car finally start.

ANSWER: Rick, this sounds to me like a fuel system component. The fuel pump is what i would check first or just simply replace the unit. If your Honda has 150,XXX plus miles. Replace the fuel filter too when you perform this service. Any check engine codes being thrown? If so evaluate these too. Also clear the history of codes after performing major system components removal and installation.

The fuel pump is an in tank unit. Which requires you too remove the lower part of the back seat granting you access to the pump. Fuel filter is located near the passenger side of the fire wall.

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QUESTION: Thank you for the quick responce.Ithink it's an electrical issue. When it dies, there's no power to anything, no lights, no nothing. The motor won't turn over.The other night when it died, we sat there for a few minute, tried to start it, and it fired right up.

ANSWER: Now that you have provided me some more details i would think that the issue would be electrical too. "It seems that the car drives good but then it will die." First thing is that you are losing your 12V source of power. Is there any corrosion under the hood near the battery cables or has there been any in the past? If so, inspect the wires for corrosion. They will feel brittle and crunchy/soft when you squeeze them. If there is no issue there check all of your main grounds. Engine bay and internally in the vehicle. Last area to inspect would be the ignition. Do you have an aftermarket alarm system? This could be causing the problem too.

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QUESTION: I just purshased new battery cables. Haven't installed them yet. I was talking to a friend, who owns a 1990 Honda Accord like mine. He had a similar issue. His ended up being the PGM FI Relay. Any thoughts

It probably is going to be something very small and insignificant. And i would probably guess some relay. There is a main relay in that car that is prone to drying out over time and having the circut board crack. There also is a way to check for engine codes that you could do yourself? Maybe pinpoint the area that needs to be repaired...