Honda Repair: 2001 civic, automatic transmission fluid, torque converter
QuestionI have a 2001 Civic with auto transmission that has two issues. First is that the transmission sometimes acts as if it "floats" or jumps out of gear when you are making a turn. It then "catches" again as soon as you are going straight. Second is that there is a VERY loud roaring sound coming from the front of car. It gets louder the faster you go. It gets quieter when you turn to the left. It sound like a bearing but not sure.
AnswerMark, please check your Automatic Transmission fluid ASAP! Your transmission is slipping in and out of gear due to the fact that there is not enough fluid within your transmission/torque converter in order to maintain proper pressure on the flywheel = momentum. How long has this been happening? Whichever add fluid first. Then have the transmission fluid flushed, around $50. Only use Honda ATF for your vehicle. Hopefully you have not damaged your transmission and torque converter internally. The flush will tell you.