Honda Repair: idleing high, honda accord lx, gas milage

okay i just bought a 1987 honda accord lx carburated 2.0 now it runs good except for one thing sometimes when you first start her up shell idle high at about 2000 to 2500 rpms but then all you got to do is hit the gas some,maybe like one or twice and shell rev down to about   1000 to 1500 rpms but i believe that still is a high idle speed.can u tell me what that might be?

Jason, first off that is completely normal. Reason being is that your engine is carburated. When you step on the gas it thinks you are moving forward so it turns off the secondary floats in the carb. When you first start the engine up the secondaries and primaries open together allowing the engine to warm up to proper operating temperature. Therefore, maximizing gas milage and overall engine performance. Idle on your car, engine warm, heater full blast, and car in gear is 850 rpms +/- 50 rpms. Digital timing gun will help you accurately set this.