Honda Repair: brakes, brake failure, wheel cylinder
QuestionQUESTION: brakes go all the way to the floor, have to pump to get some pressure to stop, then it goes all the way down.
ANSWER: Jesse, this is an issue with your braking system losing pressure through a leak somewhere. This can be the master cylinder, brake booster, brake line(s), wheel cylinder(s), etc. Whichever there is a leak(s) somewhere and it needs to be found and corrected properly. Take caution when driving your car. I would avoid it altogether until you fix the problem if possible.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: if there is know leaks would that be the master cylinder?
AnswerMaster cylinders are the most common for failure. But, the leak is not necessarily fluid related but air leaking from an improper or worn out seal. Air in your brake lines or system is not good when considering there should only be fluid in there. The fluid creates the pressure when applying your brakes. The air in your lines will not allow the fluid to reach the system entirely and will result in spongy brake failure which will get worse with time.