Honda Repair: 1987 Honda Accord EXI Acceration, honda accord exi, honda dealership

Mona and I have the same issues with our Accords. Ours is same year with a little less mileage. I have copied her symptoms as they are just about identical to ours with exceptions that follow her symptoms..
I'm not sure if you can help me on this but its worth a shot. I own a 1987 accord exi, auto trans, 193,000kms. Here are my problems:
The car starts and runs great usually....BUT sometimes (intermittent# when I accelerate and reach 20-40 km or 60-80km my gas pedal becomes very stiff and hard to press. The car will not accelerate and it will stay at that speed until it decides it wants to go. If i force the pedal down with all my foot strength sometimes it will finally give and the RPMS go to 4 thou or so because of the amount of fuel its getting from forcing the pedal down and then it kicks in and goes! When it gets stuck at 20 km or 60 kms it doesn't do anything, the rpms stay the same and the car doesn't go any faster. Its almost like its not getting fuel then all of a sudden it gets more than enough and givers. I've taken it to a honda dealership, $100 dollars later, they say its the throttle valve sticking in the transmission # i don't buy that!# Maybe i'm wrong but if it were the tranny, wouldn't it rev high and not go anywhere? After my visit to honda, I took it to a auto trans shop, the mechanic there was able to duplicate my problem and says that he doesn't believe it is that valve or anything to do with the trans. Now when I speed going 100km+ my PRG-FI #fuel injection) warning light comes on. The car doesn't drive any differently when the light comes on and when i turn the car off, the light goes out and doesn't come back on unless It feels like it at high speeds. I was told to disconnect the ground wire on the battery to clear the code for that fuel injection warning light and then if it doesn't come back on then ive fixed the problem and if it does then to take it in to honda to read the codes. Do u think that these 2 problems may be related? I mean i dont wanna keep spending $$$ on mis-diagnosis from different techs and I surely dont want a trans repair expense if its not the tranny!!! Another tech suspects it has some thing to do with the choke? Do I even have a choke if its fuel injected? Is this possible. One more diagnosis was the throttle cable siezing/sticking..would that cause my gas pedal problem? I personally think its a fuel problem.. I dunno!! Does any of this make sense to you? !!!HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!That was posted by Mona in 2005.
Our added symptoms are as follows...
if you have had to gun it just to get up to 30 mpg then the pgmi light will usually light up for the rest of that trip. On highway travel the hesitation is much less noticeable until but the PGMI light will display.
Our dash electrical is a nightmare and we do not know if they are related with the "Electronic" fuel injection. (the brake light indicator will come on for no good reason..believe me we have checked all brake related issues..the seat belt light comes on even if there is no one in the seat and if the seat belt is buckled...if you try to use the hazard lights, then you cannot use the turn signals afterwards...)wehave had the car into our mechanic and taken it into the Honda dealership. Since it is an '87, hooking it up to the computer doesn't do too much but cost money. Most recumbently and again intermittently the car will turn over just fine, but it takes about 4 attempts to actually get the car to start. It seems like it is starving for gas but you begin tell by the smell that you are close to flooding it. Last week we had the fuel filter replaced and were advised that now that the fuel pump didn't have to work as hard, we may notice problems with it and have to replace it.
This vehicle has been well cared for mechanically but this problem has existed for about 7 years. Since Mona appeared to have the same issues as we do, I thought that perhaps there as an a simple explanation. Thank you very much for looking at this for us.

well first the issue with not going unless you floor it. Could be a cad converter issue. Could be a few diff things like a fuel issue. also could be the transmission. you have a detent cable that runs off the throttle body also known as a passing gear which when you floor it it drops the transmission in a lower gear so you can speed up quicker. hard to gave the vehicle diagnosed because i believe the codes have to be flashed read. by disconnecting the battery your just temp reseting the PCM. for the electrical problem using the flasher dissables the turn signals, sounds like you have a short in the hazard switch. if the hazard switch goes bad it can dissable all the turn signals. i would suggest replacing that. should be in-expensive and not hard to do your self. i would take it to an exhaust shop and have do a back pressure test on the converter it should be free and helpfull to help more from there. -Phil