Honda Repair: honda accord key stuck, programmed chip, honda accords
QuestionHi. We used a spare key to start my 2002 accord and my husband said that the key was sticking as he used it. The car did not start, but turned over. Now the key is stuck. We tried spraying with oil, wiggling, pulling on the left of the steering wheel. Still stuck. Please suggest next steps. Thanks
AnswerDarlyn, in 1998 Honda Accords/Preludes switched to an immobilized ignition system. Basically to prevent theft. Whichever the little flashing green key thingy on your instrument cluster means that when the car is off no one can steal the car unless they have a programmed/chip in the key matching the code. Now your spare key will allow you to unlock the doors and turn the ignition over but that's it. The reason the key is sticking is due to a poor matching cut on the copy or a defect of some sort. The tumblers in the ignition have also collapsed around the key due to its unfamiliarity. A pair of vise-grips and a couple of good tug and pulls should help. Whichever when doing so make sure the key is in the off position :D Unfortunately these programmed/chip keys are not cheap. The least inexpensive source i have found to replace or repair these keys is at the dealer. They can also cut and give you a key to your car just by knowing your VIN #.