Honda Repair: 94 honda accord, faulty alarm system, honda accord

QUESTION: My Honda starts only when it wants to. Mostly when it is cool. I have changed the battery and cables,new distributor and wires replaced, new fuel pump and it still only starts when it wants.I can use it for a while then shut it off and it wont start till the next morning.What should I check next? thanks

ANSWER: Brandy, great job on replacing the most important issues these Accords commonly cause problems from. But, there is a lot more to figure out. First off, are you throwing any check engine codes? If so, identify these codes by taking to a local auto parts retailer and they will run these for a free charge. This issue could be a lot of problems from a faulty alarm system to a bad distributor? Whichever more extensive details need to be given to me to understand what is exactly going on before i can make a more comprehensive detailed analysis. Please consult me on a follow-up.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for answering.The distributor was replaced and no check engine codes.Diagnostics come back all clear.Engine will start right up one moment and then the next will try to turn over but acts like it has no gas.Fuel pump was replaced in hopes of it being that.Seems to be more consistent to start early morning or late evening.Maybe heat related? once started it runs great.How would I check for faulty alarm? Thank you for your help.

Brandy, do you have an aftermarket alarm installed? Or is it the factory alarm? Or do you even know? Whichever if you do have one it will be installed under the dash, near the drivers side, steering column-fuse area. If you have a friend that is kinda stereo system knowledgeable ask that person. They should find it in a jiffy for you. Faulty alarms are just bypassed to see if the problem still persists. Did you replace the fuel filter when you replaced the fuel pump? This should have been done. When it does not start when it is warm (only cool conditions) this can only be part of the fuel system or a relay overheating controlling the injectors and not allowing them to get fuel. Has your car ever been stolen before? Another possible area to check would be the steering column area, ignition switch too. Sorry but your problem has way too many variables to pinpoint the exact location of the issue. So you kind of need to trial and error components until you have eliminated enough to create more focus. Also on your passenger floor board under the carpet and near the kick panel plastic covering the ECU location. There is a ground wire. Should be mounted to the floor board with a 10mm bolt. Check to see if this is tight.