Honda Repair: wont idle in cold, honda civic gl, spark plug wires

hi i have a 1992 honda civic gl eg 4cyl auto front wheel drive sedan  when its cold it won't idle and engine stops when you take your foot off the eccelerator,when you do get going it won't go over 30km/h this happen for about 45mins-1hr before it starts to work fine.can anybody help?thanks

Michael, i would start by ensuring that the car has had a recent tune-up. Meaning the spark plug wires, spark plugs, distributor cap and rotor, and a fuel filter are done. Timing needs to be set as well. With your foot needing to be held on the accelerator, in your description, leads me to think that the fuel pump is going out as well. Whichever the problem is, these areas i pointed out are a must to maintain proper power and gas mileage. Start by fixing these problem areas first and see if it helps you out.