Honda Repair: 1997 honda crv headlight assembly, honda crv, headlight assembly
Questionhow do you replace a broken passenger side headlight assembly on a 1997 honda crv. looks like there are two top brackets and two side brackets to get to. I ant ocate how to get to the two side ones.
AnswerJay, been a while since i removed one of those. But, the headlight assembly is mounted to a holding bracket which has headlight adjusters around it. It is also held in by 4 or 6 10mm bolts. These are bolted to the core support. Sometimes partial removal of the front bumper skin is necessary. Possibly the fender too for added access. Take your time removing the headlight. And if it seems like your having to force something, stop, it will snap. Re-inspect what area you are working on and see if there are any other avenues...