Honda Repair: 04 accored v6 ex, temperature thermostat, cold temps
Questionthe fan stays on even after 2 hours and engine is cold. temps all in normal range and car runs great 86000 miles and all service done reg.
AnswerRon, odd that it stays on like that. It's normal for the fan to stay on for a few minutes even after getting out of the vehicle and the keys removed but 2 hours? With the engine being cold is even crazier. Possibly a relay could be malfunctioning? The fans are linked to the temperature/thermostat sending unit. When the engine reaches a certain temp the fans are kicked on. And the thermostat opens. Not sure if the computer controls that regulation or/if that is mechanically operated. Take it too Honda if you want too? Or do some research online to see if anyone else has had that similar issue.