Honda Repair: Headlight brightness, honda prelude, 1994 honda prelude
Question1994 Honda Prelude. I replaced the headlight bulbs on both sides and the electrical connections which I joined to the original wiring with terminal connecters. I handled the bulbs carefully so as not to cause heatspots but now one of them is quite dim compared to the other. The only causes I can think of are the terminal connector not having a good contact or it's caused by the light being on the wrong angle so it doesn't reflect properly. Am I on the right track?
AnswerSteve, terminal connectors? Was there damage? Do you mean butt connectors? Like blue or red in color? If so, double check your wiring and make sure 100% you connected them correctly. Also, if you do not get the bulb exactly in the headlight housing perfectly it could effect the aim of the bulb and appear as if it was dim. Reinspect all of your wiring for damage as well or you might have pinched a wire too.