Honda Repair: speedometer, phillips head screws, check ebay
QuestionQUESTION: I just bought a used civic and the speedometer (after you are going about 40mph, starts to move BACKWARDS from 0, ends up at about 100 stays exactly there between speeds of aproximately 40-65)is this one of those vss fixes? what should I ask of a repair person to see if they know what they are doing for this type problem?
ANSWER: Vicki, damaged speedometer. Replace the speedometer.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: just the actual face part or the whole head and cluster?
AnswerVicki, remove the entire cluster. This is a one piece unit. And is only held in by a few Phillips head screws. Very simple to remove. Very cheap to purchase another one as well. Check Ebay or Craigslist. Also, the local wrecking/dismantlers yard would be a great place to find one. Or call a Honda/Acura wrecking yard. There is one in my city!