Honda Repair: 1990 honda automatic transmission, Auto, Transmission
QuestionQUESTION: My honda acord auto trans wont shift down when taking off from a stop,it takes of in 4th . it will shift through all the gears just fine when shifting manualy. there is no shaking or viberation, just very slow take off in drive 4 or drive 3. there is no slippage at any speed in any gear. is it time to recycle an otherwise nice car or can it be repaired without spending a fortune. and is it something an old retired Ford tech like Myself can fix?3pcoh
ANSWER: Larry, difficult for me to diagnose due to the lack of details given. But, I will try to guide you in the right direction. First of all does your Accord have the sport option - button near the transmission? Then my next area for you to inspect would be the kick down cable and throttle cable might be out of adjustment. Adjust these per Chilton's or Haynes manual specifications. There will be 2 cables to the transmission. Or go to a Honda dealership for the exact specification for these cables. Cables could be replaced as well. Try these first and check the fuses too! Hope this helps you...
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The honda has the sport option the button on the shifter.Is it possable that is the problem? What other info do you need? Thanks for the fast reply. I'll check the items you suggested. It would be wonderful if it was just an adjustment.
AnswerYes it could be as easy as an adjustment. But i have come across alot of the sport option transmission problems in my past and have had very little success with this option as far as repairing issues. This is a difficult area for me to deal with due to the lack of personally owning a sport option button 1990 - 1993 Honda Accord. All my Accords i have owned in 1990 - 1993 have been manuals or non-sport options autos. So i apologize for the lack of info. I think that these Auto Trans are a very particular breed and have an extra incentive too irritate the car owner. LOL Larry start with the cables and update me with info. as you progress with this issue. I will respond to your continued questions as necessary. Thank you for your time and consideration.