Honda Repair: honda burnout, honda accord ex, how to do a burnout

I have a 1993 Honda accord ex sedan 4 cylinder. I know this isn't a repair question but i hope you can help me. My car is an automatic. I was wondering how to do a burnout on a flat surface with out using oil or anything on my tires. i know how to roll back down a hill and nail the gas, but how do you do one on a flat surface? thanks for the help

Ryan, interesting question. Burnouts i would not reccommend on a 1993 Honda Accord A/T. Very hard on the transmission as well as alot of other properly working components on your car. But, if you still insist; tranny drops, rev the motor in neutral and slam the gear selector into D3 without pushing the button. Just pull it back. Rev at least too 5K for desired effect. Also, try stepping on the brake pedal and the gas at the same time. This is a power brake. Or just yank on the Emergency brake and floor it! If your E brake is adjusted well enough to lock the rear tires. Best of luck and please be careful...