Honda Repair: Electrical socket on cruise control switch, steering wheel, electrical socket

Hi, I am replacing the cruise control switch which is in the right side of the steering wheel (03 accord). I have unscrewed the two screws on the back side of the steering wheel to remove the switch BUT and here is my ignorance coming in. I do not know how to unplug the socket from the old switch that connects to the wires coming from inside the steering wheel There isn't any slack in the wires to be able to pull the whole switch out to have a look, I know these connectors usually have little clamps you squeeze or push in but I am not sure about it on this switch. hope you can help..thanks

This cruise control switch is located on the right side of the steering wheel. To gain access to removing the switch, the air bag has to be removed from the steering wheel. If you don't have the special tools for removing the airbag & disarming it, I wouldn't recommend trying to fix this yourself. You should take your car to a dealer who has the tools & equipment to remove an airbag.