Honda Repair: 1987 Honda prelude transmission shifting, honda prelude, salvage yard

Hello, my 1987 prelude (140k mi. - 2.0 Si FI)transmission will not upshift to high gear and will not go into reverse.
Other than that, it runs well. I've been told it's a major rebuild --- I've been looking for a low cost solution - perhaps replacing with a salvage yard AT. Are there any others that fit besides 85,86,87 prelude or 86,87,88,89 accord ATs? Are ther other possible "easy" solutions?
Thank you.

If it won't go into 5th gear or reverse, you most likely have an internal fault in the transmission. Hard parts in transmissions like gear set are highly expensive during a rebuild, if you could find a used transmission in a salvage yard, more than likely it will have a ton of miles on it & you have know idea what condition the transmission is in. I don't even offer used transmissions in my shop, I only install reman units. You could find someone who could rebuilt it, but if you go cheap, you will get what you pay for.