Honda Repair: 1991 honda blower unit, honda blower, unseen obstacles
QuestionTravis I have a 1991 honda civic and the blower unit quit working so I bought a used one and now am trying to replace it, I have removed the three bolts and it is loose I just can't pull it down far enough to get it out, is there something else I need to remove to get it out?
AnswerBrenda, does your Civic have A/C? If so, there is a condensor/transfer type of unit next to the Blower that is gonna hold you up. Loosen that up and this will give you the slack you need. If not, there should be a, black in color, type of transfer, plastic duct in place of the A/C unit. Remove this plastic duct. Have you removed the Glove box yet? If not do so. This will give you access and sight to unseen obstacles.