Honda Repair: Honda 96 accord lx 2.2l, paint touch ups, castrol syntec

I should use 5W or 10W oil? I live in Missouri. Best time of year to use touch up paint? tires wearing on out side, is that a problem for the future.I just bought vehicle, what are things I should be looking at.Bought it from a Honda mechanic with 230,000 miles

Bernie, great choice for the purchase. I prefer 5W. 10W should be used when conditions are rough. And if you can afford it try the Castrol Syntec 5W-30. It will improve gas mileage and make your engine last longer. Summer time is the best for paint touch ups due to the heat. The tire wear is an indication that there is an alignment issue and improper air inflation or over inflation. Have the ball joints and wheel bearings inspected for damage as well. This will also effect your gas mileage too. Do you have the maintenance records from the Honda mechanic? If not  I would be doing a tune up with fuel filter change as well. If it is an AT Trans. keep an eye on the fluid and only use Genuine Honda Trans. fluid. Maybe a flush would help too. Monitoring fluids is the most important when owning and maintaining a Honda. Try a CarFax on the car as well.