Honda Repair: crank shaft pulley key., crank shaft, elbow grease
QuestionQUESTION: i have a 1994 honda accord, i was driving it one day and i heared a rattling noise, i check the car and the crank shaft pulley was loose and had no bolt. the pulley was not good so i got a new one. the only problem i have isthat i cannot remove the key from the crank shaft. do u know if theres a special way to remove it?
ANSWER: Marina, on the exisisting/old crank shaft pulley hit the key with a hammer or a hammer and a screwdriver. The key is made of steel so you are not going to hurt it. Whichever it is probably rusty and you should replace this key from Honda. They cost like a dollar or two. The key goes in one way so make sure you get it in there the right way. If you are going to reuse the old key spray it down with WD-40 and scrape off any excessive rust build-up. Also spray the crank shaft pulley down too. This will help everything slide on easier. Remember you are going to have to readjust all your belts and properly add the desired tension to these. Also the crank shaft pulley requires a certain amount of foot-lbs. to be applied, torque. Use an air gun or a torque wrench. Otherwise this will happen again.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: the key is actually stuck on the piece the crank shaft pulley goes on(not sure what is called). i would put the new crank shaft pulley back on, but the key seems worn out. so i just wanted to replace it. is there a way i can remove the key without damaging something else? I've tried for hours to take it off, but it seems like it might be stuck. (sorry for not being specific in the last question)
AnswerHammer and a cold/metal chisel is the only thing i can tell you. A little elbow grease too. The piece is attached too is the crankshaft so DO NOT damage the end protruding out. Be very careful. I would tell you to use heat but, this could warp the crankshaft end piece, so be careful. Try PB Blaster. This is a spray that you can purchase from a local auto parts store too.