Honda Repair: Broken pasenger window, phillips head screws, phillips screws
Questioni have a 2000 accord coupe. for some reason my passenger side window is not working properly. it would go down and up however when it reaches the top it doesn't close all the way. instead, it will make a loud repeating noise as if the gear in the unit is missing some teeth so it goes up a bit and falls down a bit. I am not sure if its a broken gear or if it is simply the window fell out of its holder. so i wanted to know how i can open the interior panel to exam the problem . Thanx alot
AnswerShawn, it sounds to me like the actuator is stripped. Start by removing any exposed Phillips head screws. Next look behind the handle. By pulling on the handle, like you were opening the door, there should be a small plastic cover. Using a pick tool gently pry it open. Behind it is another Phillips screw. Then in the door panel, where you would shut the door, there is either an exposed screw or another plastic cover. Remove it too. Look around the door panel and search for more Phillips screws. Not quite sure but you might need to pop out the plastic piece adjacent to the mirror. Pop that off and there might be a hidden screw there too. Below that there might be a plastic Phillips head screw that is obviously exposed. Or a push plug. Whichever remove it. Then you are ready to pop the door panel loose from the door. Prying on the panel pull it to you and push the door away from you. This should release the door panel. Push it up and pull out of the upper slot between the window and frame of the door. Inside the door panel is a plastic covering. Remove that but don't tear it! With the plastic out of the way you should be able to find the actuator.