Honda Repair: 2005 Honda CRV headlight, beam headlights, lowbeams

QUESTION: My problem is with a 2005 Honda CRV lowbeam.  I've got the wire off and the dust cover removed. The problem is:  What do you do with the retainer clip?  Does it push in or pull out.  If it pulls out does it pivot and remain attached or come off?  Is there any chance that it will fall off?  Is there anything that holds the retainer clip from falling off?  If I get it off and the bulb replaced does the retainer clip just snap back in place?  I've been warned by Honda not to let it fall because it can be impossible to get back on.  If I loose it I would have to purchase the entire headlight assembly!  They want over a $100 to replace two bulbs.  That's another thing has anyone ever heard of both lowbeams going out at the same time?  I went in a store and when I returned started the engine both lowbeams were not working.
A little help from someone who really knows would be appreciated.

ANSWER: JD, I can't give you a 100% definite answer but in my experiences the clip should remain by pivoting outward not inward. Try taking a picture of the area in case it does come off so you have some idea how it goes back on if it does release. Autozone offers a service that might render some assistance for replacing the bulbs. That way the risk would be on them and you can have a general complaint against the management for them damaging the clip. At least it is an option to consider? I have never heard of both Low-beam headlights going out the same time on any vehicle I have encountered. I wonder if there is more going on there than meets the eye? Have you had any other odd situations for repair happen to this vehicle? Has anyone been working on this vehicle in that area or for that matter with your electrical system? Is your stereo system stock or modified? I would almost think that the bulbs are still good and something else is interfering with them working? At least it is something to consider. That is all that I can think would be causing this problem. Let me know if it helps you. I am curious what the culprit is...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for the quick response.  I agree with you I've never heard of anything like this either and I'm 61yrs old.
I would almost think that something were wrong with the switch rather than the light bulbs.  We bought the vihicle new and have never had any work done on it other than me changing the oil.  It only has 39k miles on it and runs like new.  I've tapped on the headlights and wiggled the wiring and tapped on the switch which is in the turn signal lever.  I've checked the fuses.  I did call Honda service dept and they said that they have heard of both lights going out at once but I think that story sounded a little fishy.  The odds of that are incalcuable.  

I did look on the web and found someone talking about pushing the clip in rather than out.  Do you feel sure about pulling it out?  When I was attempting to remove it myself I tried pushing it in as well as pulling it out and it wouldn't go either way.  The compartment is so small I can only get two fingers next to the bulb and clip!

As far as taking a picture of it all I can see are the prongs sticking out of that small hole and nothing else.  If I could see the clip I could probably figure out what it takes to remove it but the opening is too small.

When I talked to the Honda service dept they said it would take them about 20min because on the drivers side they would have to remove the battery to get to the opening.  If that is the case this clip and bulb must be fairly easy to remove but it sure doesn't look like it when you can't see any part of what you're doing and have no knowledge of how it is suppose to come apart.

Honda's charge of $100 to replace two $3.00 bulbs and 20min. worth of work seems a little much.  Besides after I pay the $100. and they find out it wasn't the bulbs it would probably be cheaper to trade the car off rather than fix the real problem. :>)

JD, here is my Email: [email protected] I am going to do some research for you. Since I am on the West coast I have a few Honda dealers i can select from. And I know a few professionals in the field. I can ask them and maybe get the exact Info. needed for the proper repair. Let me know if you want my help some more or if you are just going to trade the car off? So, that way I am not wasting my time and yours...