Honda Repair: honda civic leak, head gasket, 1993 honda civic

Question 1993 honda civic 1.5lsi has been blowing out cold air, leaking water from around the timing belt area,  and also overheating and has been drinking loads of oil and water aswell...i have been 2 a mecanic and have been told it MIGHT be the water pump... what else would i need 2 change and what could this problem be...thanks

Ali, this is the Water Pump that needs to be replaced. And at the same time you might want to do a Timing belt and the cam seals too. Do NOT drive the car anymore if you don't have to. Reason being is that you can cause extensively more damage that could be irreversible resulting in complete engine replacement. Also the Thermostat should be replaced and all other cooling system components should be inspected for damage, i.e., hoses, heater core hoses, and radiator. The engine should have a compression test done to all cylinders to check for Head Gasket leakage. Which might be damaged and need replaced. That is where the oil could be going.