Honda Repair: d light blinking 92 honda accord, d light, honda accord

92 honda accord won't start and D light on my dash keeps flashing, even when I am sitting in park I wait a few min. with the car off and then it turns over and it ok-well all but the flashing D and it drives likes its lost a lot of power when it does that please help.

Hi Tuan, there are alot of possible scenarios that this could be causing the problem. Check all under hood grounds and make sure they are connected appropriately. Specifically, Transmission to body/frame rail. Then check the wiring harness to make sure all plugs are connected appropriately too. Have you had any major/minor work performed lately? If so, double check the area repaired inspecting for damage or unplugged harnesses. I am thinking that this is an electrially based issue with your vehicle. You might want to take this vehicle to a repair shop where they can do more extensive inspections and diagnostics. And tell them all the areas you verified too. This should save you and them some time. Also, check on some websites/forums and see if anyone else has had the same problem? Good luck...