Honda Repair: Hard start, air fuel mixture, coolant temperature
QuestionMy son has a 1987 Accord. After the car warms up it sometimes wont start until it has cooled off. When trying to start it you can smell fuel and you can see it around the fuel injectors. Not sure if this is fuel pump related because you can smell gas, or injector related because you can see the gas leaking there. Any suggestions.
AnswerThe gas around the injectors is probably coming from the injector seals leaking gas. This is fairly common & just requires removing the injectors & replacing all the seals. Another problem that is common with this car is for the water temperature sensor to fail & this will create a hard start like you describe. The computer gets a signal from the water temperature sensor describing the actual temperature of the coolant when cold or hot. The computer uses this signal to figure out if the engine has cold coolant (engine just started up) & riches the air fuel mixture. Once it sees the coolant temperature rise (warmed up engine)the air fuel mixture leans out. It is very common for these engines to have faulty water temperature sensors & the computer thinks the engine is cold at all times & the computer dumps excessive gas into the engine even though it is warmed up. You should repair the leaking injectors first because this is a fire hazard & then look at the TW sensor.