Honda Repair: Honda 2000 Accord shift column indicator, honda customer, powertrain control
QuestionQUESTION: This morning the car will not speed up above 30mph. The D4 indicator light on the console started flashing. I tried to use D3. The D4 light kept flashing and car would not speed up. Soon after the Check Engine light came on.
ANSWER: This is a typical problem with this year model Accord. I test drove one today with similar problems. It sounds like you are in the market for another transmission. You should call American Honda customer support & ask for goodwill consideration in help fixing your transmission. They will tell you to go to a dealer for a diagnosis. Almost certainly the check engine light is on because of the transmission issue. The number for American Honda is in the back of your owners manual. This is the same advise I gave a woman today about her transmission. If they won't help you & sometimes you have to go up the food chain to get some help do not consider installing a used transmission or having that one rebuilt. The only good way to fix the transmission is to replace it with a remanufactured unit. If you have to pay out of pocket for this, expect to pay around $3000.00 Good luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: When I got home from work the first thing I checked was transmission fluid level. I had to add 1 quart of fluid. Then the car started operating fine. I took the car to my mechanic who verified the diagnostics by hooking his computer to the car. He reset the CheckEngine light and I was on my way.
Thanks for your response.
AnswerThe key here is what code was stored in the powertrain control unit. This transmission will have particular codes that relate to loss of hydraulic pressure inside the valve body. The only way to fix it is to R&R the transmission. Also, you shouldn't have to add fluid to the transmission unless one of the axle seals or end case seals are leaking. Good luck