Honda Repair: Fuel pump, honda accord hatchback, fuel pump relay
QuestionI have an 84 Honda Accord hatchback and i was wondering where my fuel pump is located and how to replace it please and thank you
AnswerThe fuel pump is located on the frame rail beside the driverside rear tire under the car. It is fairly easy to replace, it basically has an inlet fuel line that will have to be plugged before you disconnect it & it has a small outlet fuel line. It should have a gray plastic cover that will have to be removed so you can gain access to it. Once the cover is down, you should be able to remove the two bolts connecting the pump to the frame rail, unplug the electrical wires & it should come down. You also should consider replacing the fuel pump relay located in the dash fuse box. It also isn't a bad idea to buy a repair manual on your car because it will give you step by step directions & picture to go by.