Honda Repair: 89 Honda CRX HF VSS, 89 honda crx, honda crx
QuestionI have an 89 CRX HF. First of all, it throws a code 17(VSS) after driving about 5 min, but the speedo still works fine. But the car seems to run rough at the time the lights comes on. The motor bogs down when there is a load on it. Again, the only code is a 17. It is in time and there is a new distributer on it. Can you help me?
AnswerKeith, sounds to me like you need to check the codes again and see if it is throwing another code on top of the Code 17. Sometimes there will be a pause or break in the reading of possible codes and it will either repeat the same code or give you another. Purchasing a Chilton's repair manual will help you too. This repair manual covers the basics for Troubleshooting and maintenance. Did you replace the VSS?