Honda Repair: 1998 Accord Moonroof not closing, unseen damage, moon roof

My moonroof will open/shut, but it will not close the final 1/8 in. I just noticed it yesterday.  I hadn't used it for the last several months, until yesterday, when I openened it.  THen I noticed it wouldn't shut all the way.  THere were no obstructions visible.
Is this something I can check myself?

Hi Evangelos, there are some things you can do yourself to try to fix this problem. Open the moon roof all the way and vacuum all debris out. Or you can use compressed air and blow out the area but will leave a mess. Spray the rails with WD-40. Open and close the moon roof about [3] times. Retry the procedure if it fails to fix itself. After that and you still do not fix the problem there might be unseen damage, obstructions, or an Electrical malfunction causing the conflict. Let me know if this helps...