Honda Repair: Shudder at Low Speed, crankshaft bearings, front wheel bearings
QuestionI have a 92 accord ex with 200,000 miles. About 3 weeks ago I started noticing a shudder or a feeling like rolling over ball bearings when starting from a dead stop and the engine is warm. Within the past year, I've replace the CV joints, the struts, the ball joints, and the front wheel bearings. This past weekend, I did a complete flush of the transmission and torque converter, but made little difference. There is no sense of transmission slipping and it shifts fairly smoothly. I don't feel the shudder when I shift into reverse. I've noticed a rough idle at low speeds as well. I'm at a loss of where to go next. Any help would be appreciated.
AnswerHi Neil, too many variables too pinpoint the exact location of what to do. I would definitely suspect the Transmission is the causing agent. Considering this is an AT they do go bad at high miles. Or worst case scenario = Engine bearings?
You can try a tune-up? Spark plugs, spark plug wires, Distributor cap, Distributor rotor, and fuel filter. But doubtful this will solve the problem and there is no reason to put money into the car if there is major damage somewhere else. Have the Oil pan removed and inspect for metal shavings in the base of the pan. Also shake each wrist pin on the rod to crankshaft bearings. If they are loose this is [1] of the problems. Metal on metal sounds are not good and is a clear sign that there is something wrong. Let me know if this helps...