Honda Repair: Intermittent starting problem, honda accord, gas cap

I have a 1996 honda accord that occasionally will not start.  I have taken it to
a mechanic who was unable to duplicate the condition and therefore could
not say what the problem was.  During periods of non-start, the engine turns
over but does not start; waiting a period of time will eventually achieve
'starting'.  However the wait can be anywhere from a few minutes to several
hours (which naturally becomes a problem for me).  The car always starts in
the morning when I leave for work (4:30 am), and only seems to malfunction
once every 10 days or so--though I think it is occurring more frequently now.  
I now also open the gas cap to release pressure before starting--not sure if
that helps, because even if I do it I still get the intermittent non-start.  Can
you Help?  Thank you for considering this problem.  Patrick

Hi Patrick, when was the last time you had a tune-up? Meaning spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor cap, distributor rotor, and fuel filter. I would definitely start there. Once that has been done and the problem still exists inspect your starter and have it checked. Also check the fuel pump as well. I hope that helps...